Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Week That Wasn't

Thursday through Sunday was a stretch of zero's. No running at all. That was a good break both physically and mentally and now I am looking forward to settling in on marathon training. I hate to pick a race and train for it. I realize that's how most people train and stay motivated but I am thinking of trying something different. I want to spend some the rest of the year, through December, on building the base mileage up to 80+ miles per week on singles. After that point I will evaluate how I feel and start looking forward at all the marathons and half marathons in the spring. I may try to squeeze in a late winter 1/2 marathon just to break up the training cycles. Like I mentioned, no "plans", but I will be eyeing up several events and pick the one's that hit my fitness and training cycles. Let's hope it works.

Weeks Totals: 13 miles
Years Totals: 1884 miles

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