Tuesday, June 19, 2007

WILCO will be in Duluth Late Summer

I forgot the exact date...it was in the Duluth News Tribune today, but Wilco will be at the Bayfront Park late this summer. Good news for Wilco fans!!


Anonymous said...

Were Going.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gregg

It was great seeing you and Kari at the Island View Resort on Saturday evening.

You've had some damn tough luck with bad weather for the marathon. Your day in this race *will* come. Use the fitness you've attained thus far, build on it some more and uncork a few great races late this summer and fall.

All the best,


Gregg said...

Wilco will be at Bayfront on August 14th. It is a Tuesday I believe.

Kurt said...

I hope to be there as well !!! I have seen them like 6 or 7 times but the last show on the last tour was SUPER GREAT !!!