This morning was a bit better so I decided to get moving and head out for a short loop with the dog and run some if I felt good. What's nice now is the trails are opening up and drying some so any mileage in the woods is better than on the pavement. Buddy and I headed to the woodchip trails near UMD and ran a loop, along with a short loop through campus. As time passed (5 or more minutes) my legs loosened up and actually felt pretty good. Tomorrow I will "test the waters" a bit more and see if I can start ramping up the mileage again. Let's hope, Grandma's is seven weeks away and I haven't written it off quite yet.
Totals: 3 miles with the dog.
hey gregg sorry to hear that your body isn't up to your potential. get better soon!
Thanks... I am working at it. Sometimes you have to be patient and it isn't easy!
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