Thursday, March 6, 2008


It's never good to assume. You know the line, " it makes an ass out of you and me". This morning I assumed the temps would be like most March mornings, nope. I assumed the I-Pod would be ready to go and finally after I threaded the ear buds and found a pocket to store it in I then realized the battery was dead. I assumed the trails would be the same day after day, after all why would they change? I had a branch tag me in the face that hasn't been there in previous mornings, damn. I also assumed that I could go to the Burrito Union and have a couple pints and a burrito and not have it affect me at 0600, Wrong!

I did have a decent easy run this morning despite all the wrong assumptions and I did guess correctly on the footing. No grips necessary. Legs feel awesome!

Total: 50:00 (no watch just estimate) ~7 miles

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