Sunday, October 18, 2009

Long Trails and Sore Throat

I'm heading in for one hell of a "cold" if I get anything like my son and wife has had. I woke up this morning with one of those sore throats that just kills to swallow. I was thinking I had dodged a bullet and was not going to get sick. Wrong! Next will see how much this thing will effect my workouts. I know I can run with this but doing a true "workout" might be too much. I guess this is better to get sick now then sometime in the middle of November when I am getting in those last few important workouts.

After waking up a bit and drinking a cup of tea and downing a glass of water and Airborne I decided to give it a shot and hit the trails for whatever my body would let me. I was about three and a half miles into the run when I bumped into Jay Lee. He was heading in the direction I just came from but I didn't hesitate one bit to turn and join him for some much needed company. We continued to run with each other for another eight miles or so and then it was time for me to make a turn for the house. Most aspects were on today except my legs were a little fatigued from yesterday's track work. I had to reach for the emergency gel again at ninety minutes and I am very thankful I continue to carry such a thing. I timed the gels effectiveness and I was right at 16:00 and things were starting to feel pretty good once again. By the time I had got home I was definitely ready to be done. After a quick shower and a light meal the family made its way to Oulu, WI and walked for a hour in the corn maze looking for fifteen check points so we could return to the barn and claim Lucas' prize. (candy, of course) A great day in the northland. Now I just have to get rid of this cold.

Totals: 2:33:39 18.2 miles (slow and easy, one gel)

Weeks Totals: 70.3 miles (6 runs)
Years Totals: 2227.5 miles


Anonymous said...

Oulu has a fantastic glass blowing studio as well. good seeing you this weekend!

SteveQ said...

I got the same sore throat. Hope we both heal quickly.

Gregg said...

we drove right past it. they had a good special on pbs one night. looks like we will have to stop next time. hope your legs are feeling well.

best of luck to you. my son has had this cold for ten days. I am hoping for the short version.