Friday, January 22, 2010

Crack! Things Are Better

I woke up Thursday and all I could think of was to stay home. No running. So after a little evaluation of how I felt, I was fighting a virus this past week, the decision was to take a zero and head for my Chiropractor appointment. Good choice. I've said this before but the older we get, we should get wiser and avoid making the same mistakes of our younger years. (my point is I would have forced myself out the door five or ten years ago) I had a wonderful adjustment at the Chiro and with the added rest my run this morning was wonderful.

I made my way west on Skyline and did the short turnaround to make the out and back just under 55:00. My legs are starting to adjust to the "routine" again and even one week post bad-ass half-marathon snowshoe race my legs are ready to get movin'. Sweet!

My thanks to Greg McMillan for such a speed response and delivering my marathon plan that starts on Feb. 1st. Here we go again!

Total: 52:45 7.1 miles

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