Sunday, July 18, 2010

Take It To The Hills

This weekends long run, and many more in the future, took me to the hills of east Duluth and rural city limits. Awakening was a bit of a chore as I was more tired than usual so I took advantage of a sleeping son and slept in until 0800! Once up I made a few texts and got ahold of Dave H. and he joined my for the loop on his mountain bike as he was in recovery mode fresh off a 21 mile run on Saturday. A big thanks to Dave for joining me as it made the time go bye so much better than a solo effort.

The heat and hills kept the HR a bit higher than I wanted but for the majority of the loop felt good and only had a few rough miles in the closing thirty minutes. In the end, I was very pleased with this run. A few good steps in the right direction.

Total: 1:56:00 15.8 miles

Weeks Total: 60 miles
Years Total: 1568 miles

1 comment:

Julie said...

Great job on those really impress me:) You were so tough to actually get out there in this gross and hot weather that we have been having. Hills and heat makes a cranky and tired Julie:)