Monday, December 22, 2008

Feeling Lost

Reading marathon training plans can be a bit confusing. It may be the day or it has finally happened. I am sick of thinking of training. I just want to do it without doing the "thinking". Maybe I am grasping at any possibility to improve in my late 30's. Ok, I'll say it, almost 40! I want to train for 16-20 weeks and have that killer race for what seems everyone has had except ME!  Maybe I am looking for someone else to shoulder my pain and sorrow for when that race day comes and the race just doesn't unfold the way it was planned. (this is often the case)

I have an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science and a certification through the American College of Sports Medicine as a "Clinical Exercise Specialist", but I am just too fried at researching for ideas that might give me the extra edge. Would it be Pfitzinger, J. Daniels, Lydiard, HADD -training to get me to the next level of competition?  I'm exhausted and I want someone else to do the research. I'll do the running....
Any takers?  
As Chicken Little says, "tomorrow is a new day."  Maybe I will find some energy to read some new training books or articles online.

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