Monday, December 31, 2012

Ramp-Up Failure (More of a Delay)

Even though my milage had been low the last couple of weeks I felt I was turning the corner to better fitness and really getting ready to start the ramp-up of base milage. Last week, following my Sunday longer effort and easy Monday jog, I was feeling great and my energy was ready to tackle some bigger weekly miles. Then, half way through my work shift on Monday, my lateral side of my right foot which radiated to my lateral heel started to give me some serious pains. Pain to the point where I couldn't put weight on it. The bugger waxed and waned for the remainder of the day and two more to follow.
I finally made my way to the chiropractor and he found this massive ball of spasmed muscle in my lateral hip/glute. After some serious work on his part and some serious clenching of my teeth the wussy worm finally released. For the rest of the day I kept at stretching and woke up the next morning ready to tackle a run. And so I did, a modest 100 minute run would find me ready to resume my training. Hopefully I am good to go now.

We received some snow and that has helped the single track trails a bunch but another three or so inches of snow would help. I like to run those trails as easy days and it makes it really effortless to get in the allotted time.

Here is the week of:

December 24th-30th

M: 41:00/5 miles easy w/ 3 X 1 min hills (weights)
T: 0 foot ailment?
W: 0 same
TH: 0 foot better/ exercises help!
F: 0 Chiro/Massage/exercises--Feeling better!
SA: 1:38:00/ 12.5 mi  Lakewalk miles
SU: 38:00 Hartley single track
~23 miles

*not the week I wanted but sometimes you don't get what you want.
press on!

YEARS TOTAL: 1966 miles
(first time in 5 years of being under 2000 miles. i had a decent year but not running a marathon kept my milage down a bit. all is well, need health going into '13)

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