Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Photo

I have been looking for a new photo for some time to really say what I love most in my life. The two individuals in the photo are two of the best things to ever happen to me. Without them I would be nothing. I realize that most running blogs have a runner or the like on their banner but the Lift Bridge is such an iconic symbol of Duluth and after all, that is where we live and also, it's home to one of the best marathons in the country. I hope you enjoy the change and it will take quite a photo for me to replace this one. Thanks for reading.


Chris Gardner said...

Great photo and well-stated on your perspective on life, running, and what matter most. Great to see you, all be it briefly, on Saturday.

Jerry Rogers said...

Love it. Just this morning on the way to work. We were planning our next Duluth getaway with the kids. THanks for all the great posts.

bobbi said...

Whenever I see a pic of the lift bridge, I'm immediately nostalgic for Duluth. Love it!

Gregg said...

Chris- you know it. We will run again.
Jerry, I welcome you and your family to our wonderful city. There are times I desire to move but I always ask myself, where? That's what vacations are for.
bobbi, no kidding. the bridge has been in numerous photo's but I can pick something special out of each one I see. she's a beauty! (the bridge is nice too:) )

Unknown said...

Great photo Gregg...and beautiful insight. :) C